If you need to rent sound equipment, it probably means you’re involved in an important event and a lot of other people are counting on you to help make the event run smoothly. Perhaps you have some kind of high-end home theater system in your home and want to get the...
Are You Interested in Textile Design, Only Consider the Top Schools
A top arts and design school offer all the niches, vocations, and opportunities that the liberal arts education spectrum has to offer. Whether you're a painter, designer, photographer, dancer, writer or filmmaker, there is a space for you. The core values of top...
Be an Artist on the Move with A Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts Degree
If you are looking for a low-residency MFA program, then you must research to find schools that offer it. When you find an art based school that has this program, they should take your art experience to a whole new level. Keep reading to learn what this program is all...
Why You Should Obtain a Master’s of Art in Education
Are you considering graduate school for education? Do you have a passion for art? Have you always wondered the difference between obtaining a Master’s of Art in education compared to a Master in Education? Becoming a teacher does not necessarily even mean that you...
Truss Rentals Make Your Job Easier
Truss rentals can make your job a lot easier. They are ideal for any venue that is going to require special staging that it does not normally use. It Is Simple One of the best things about renting a truss instead of constructing it, is that it is simple to use. You do...